Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

MDX Studio

As Mosha Pasumansky states MDX Studio is a
tool which helps users of Microsoft Analysis Services to analyze complex MDX expressions, monitor performance characteristics of MDX queries and get insight into how MDX interacts with other UDM features such as attribute relationships. MDX Studio provides unique visualization representation of MDX expression and allows the user to interact with different stages of MDX execution.
It's indeed an extremly useful tool: it shows valuable information that is not included in profiler traces such as the number of cache hits, calculated cells, memory usage etc. Another important feature is the ability to show a hierarchical tree of execution steps (which Mosha describes here). Very helpful is also the ANALYZE option that (- it's not a surprise -) analyzes a given query or mdx script, shows possible issues, and provides links to wider explanations (mainly from Moshas Blog).

The current version of the tool (a work in progress) can be downloaded from here.

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